Stephen Harrop > Publications



Published (newest to oldest):

Book Chapters


    1. "Du Châtelet's First Cosmological Argument," in The Bloomsbury Companion to Emilie Du Châtelet (Fatema Amijee ed.), Bloomsbury Academic Press [draft]

    Abstract. In the second chapter of her Institutions de Physique Emilie Du Chatelet gives two cosmological arguments for the existence of God. In this chapter I focus on the first of these arguments. I argue that, while it bears some significant similarities to arguments given by John Locke and Christian Wolff, it improves on these arguments in at least two ways. First, it avoids a potential equivocation in Locke's argument; and second, it avoids Wolff's mere stipulation that whoever claims that there cannot be an infinite regress of contingent beings does not understand what a sufficient reason is. I finally argue that her argument avoids a related objection, considered by David Hume, on which to explain a causal chain is merely to explain each link in the chain.

    2. "Robert Boyle," in The Cambridge Spinoza Lexicon (Karolina Hübner and Justin Steinberg eds.), Cambridge University Press [final draft]

    3. "Georg Hermann Schuler," in The Cambridge Spinoza Lexicon (Karolina Hübner and Justin Steinberg eds.), Cambridge University Press [final draft]

    4. "Henry Oldenburg," in The Cambridge Spinoza Lexicon (Karolina Hübner and Justin Steinberg eds.), Cambridge University Press [final draft]